Logical function

  • IF( )Checks whether a condition is met, and returns one value if true, and a different value if false
  • AND() Tests a number of user-defined conditions and returns TRUE if all of the conditions evaluate to TRUE otherwise it returns FALSE.
  • OR() Tests a number of user-defined conditions and returns TRUE if any one of the conditions evaluate to TRUE otherwise it returns FALSE.
  • NOT() returns TRUE value when the statements are FALSE otherwise return FALSE.

Ex: Calculate Grade of the student by using “if” function.

  • First create the below data structure.
  • Calculate Total by typing =sum(C2:E2) in Cell F2.
  • Calculate Percentage of marks by typing =F2/G2*100 in Cell H2.
  • Calculate grade based on the condition if percentage of marks >=30 the student will get Pass otherwise Fail.
  • Type the formula in I2 Cell =IF(H2>=30,”Pass”,”Fail”)

Ex: Calculate Grade of the student by using “if & and” function as below grade formats: If Percentage of marks >=70 and all individual subject marks>=50 then student will get Grade “A”. If Percentage of marks >=60 and all individual subject marks>=50 then student will get Grade “B”. If Percentage of marks >=50 and all individual subject marks>=50 then student will get Grade “C”. Otherwise “F” Grade.

  • First create the above data structure.
  • Calculate Total by typing =sum(C2:E2) in Cell F2.
  • Calculate Percentage of marks by typing =F2/G2*100 in Cell H2.
  • Calculate grade type the formula in I2 Cell

=IF(AND(C2>=50,D2>=50,E2>=50,H2>=70),"A", IF(AND(C2>=50,D2>=50,E2>=50,H2>=60),"B", IF(AND(C2>=50,D2>=50,E2>=50,H2>=50),"C","F")))